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The Waverly House Hotel

Ca. 1905


The Bremer County Historical Society


Organizational Overview

The museum is owned, operated and maintained by the Bremer County Historical Society, a nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers from around Bremer County, Iowa.  


Because of the volunteer status of the organization, we are always ready to welcome new volunteers.  We are always in need of people to help with every facet, from janitorial & building management to docents to board & committee members.  If you think you would enjoy helping the museum, please contact us!


Our Mission

The mission of the Bremer County Historical Society is to  kindle and keep alive an interest in local history by collecting,  preserving, and sharing materials relating to that history.


General Information

The Bremer County Historical Society Museum, 402 W. Bremer Avenue in Waverly, Iowa, is home to the Bremer County Historical Society. The museum building was originally the Daily House Hotel, built in 1862 from native lumber and locally fired brick.  It was later renamed the Waverly House and operated as an hotel. 


Visit Us

The museum is open from May through October. Hours are Tuesday through Thursday 1:00-4:00 p.m. and Friday & Saturday 1:00-4:30 p.m.  Special and off-season tours by appointment.  For more information or arrange a tour, email  

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